The Information and Communication Technology Center (ICT Center) was formed based on the Decree of the Rector of State University of Malang number 0117 / KEP / H32 / KL / 2008 dated February 18, 2008, which is an extension of the status improvement and development of the UPT Computer Center (Puskom) function. The ICT Center is a work unit (work unit) that processes data and information in the academic and administrative fields which is under and responsible to the Chancellor and daily guidance is carried out by the Assistant Rector for Planning, Information Systems and Cooperation. The ICT Center is led by the Head of the Center and assisted by two divisions, namely the Head of the Software Division and the Head of the Infrastructure and HR Division who are selected and appointed among academic staff and computer technical personnel who have the ability and expertise in their fields at the State University of Malang. The ICT Center has duties and functions, namely:
- Implement programs and activities in accordance with the Master Plan for Information and Communication Technology Development.
- Carry out the development of Information and Communication Technology.
- Develop systems and implementation of Information and Communication Technology.
- Carry out an evaluation of the Information and Communication Technology development program
- Carry out training in the field of Information and Communication Technology
- Perform accountability and transparency in the field of Information and Communication Technology
- Maintain confidentiality and security of network and information.
At the time of the inauguration of the ICT Center officials on June 2, 2008, the ICT Center occupied facilities in the first floor of the H3 building. In order to provide maximum service to the academic community, the ICT Center will move its infrastructure and services to the G1 building with the approval of the UM leadership.
In line with the development of the academic system and the development of UM institutions, the ICT Center will continue to develop, refine and evaluate the programs that have been developed by the UPT Puskom and previous ICT development teams. The development program that will be implemented includes: development of information systems, electronic learning systems, digital library systems, ICT governance systems and ICT support systems which consist of developing ICT infrastructure and infrastructure in accordance with the needs of UM academicians.
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