After the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) and the Selection for Entering State Universities (SBMPTN), from 10 July 2017 to 14 July 2017 Universitas Negeri Malang held a computer-based Independent Selection or commonly called CBT Mandiri. Approximately 8000 prospective students registered for independent selection at the State University of Malang.

Technically, the State University of Malang provides around 900 computers scattered in several locations, namely the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Sport Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, Postgraduate, Libraries, UPT PTIK. Each day is divided into 2 sessions. When a participant registers online and prints a card, the participant can find out directly the exam location and the exam session.

The computer-based test consists of 2 materials, namely the Academic Ability & Potential Test (TKPA) and the Basic Ability Test (Soshum / Saintek). Special scientific examination participants are placed in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering, while for the social and technical examination participants are placed in the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Postgraduate, Libraries, UPT PTIK.

The servers used are still like the 2016 Mandiri CBT test, namely 2 servers, but there are upgrades from the hardware side. From the application side, there are also additional features, including the addition of participant photos, so that supervisors can check the participants who are present with the photos in the application. From the database side, optimization has also been carried out.

The various efforts that have been made by the CBT Mandiri Team of State University of Malang, especially the UPT PTIK TEAM are expected to support the implementation of CBT Mandiri so that it can run smoothly and well.

CBT Mandiri 2017 CBT Mandiri UM
